Welcome to Ellie's Page
Ellie's Story
We were not looking to get another dog when we got Ellie.
A friend was working in a pub in London and a guy starting coming in weekly with a small Rotti puppy. Over the weeks, the puppy got thinner and thinner until our friend confronted the guy over the condition of the puppy who was now 5 months old... she was told that he wanted to go to Spain so for the price of a ticket she could have the dog!
She gave the man £200
pounds and he gave her the puppy, which she was not in a position to keep at that time. We said we would have a look at her... we met a pathetic skinny looking little dog
who's ribs and back bone were prominent.
How could we say no!!
Ellie has turned into the most loyal and loving dog we have ever had, she loves people and will do anything for a tummy rub! All those who meet Ellie fall in love with her and those who have negative thoughts of the breed always change their opinion.
Ellie was diagnosed with Horners Symdrome back in 2007.
We did not know the reason behind Ellies condition but believe it was caused by an inner ear infection.
Ellie developed Arthritus in her front feet in 2011 and was on Onsior which is a pain killer and helps with inflamation, she was also on Glucosamine and had Salmon Oil added to her food which helped with her joints. She also wore a Bioflow Collar which definitely helped with aches and pains.
January 2012 was not a kind month for her she was also diagnosed as starting arthritis in one of her hips which she had injections for. Even with all these ailments Ellie was still enjoying life to the full and if anthing is charging around and acting more of a adolescent than ever!